مكتبة وأرشيف

د عدلي الهواري

للمساهمة في التراكم المعرفي وتعزيز التفكير النقدي

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Controlled Democratisation: Democracy and Islam in Jordan

Glossary and

Dr. Adli Hawwari


Ᾱya = Qur’anic verse; plural: āyāt

Ba‛th = Revival; renewal; renaissance

Bay‛a = Endorsement; mandate; pledge of allegiance

Fatwa = Reasoned opinion or judgment based on Islamic teachings or their interpretations

Fiqh = Generally: Comprehension; knowledge. Specifically: jurisprudence in Islam

Fuqahā’ = Learned people in Islamic jurisprudence; singular: faqīh; (cf. fiqh and ‛Ulamā’)

Hadīth = Generally: conversation; talk; specifically: a statement attributed to Prophet Muhammad; plural: ahādīth

Hākim = Ruler; governor; sovereign

Hākimiyya = Generally: dominion; rule; jurisdiction. Specifically: Sovereignty of God (Allah)

Halāl = An action or a notion consistent with Islam’s teachings

Harām = An action or notion not consistent with Islam’s teachings

Hijra = Generally: migration; specifically: the exodus of Muslims from Mecca first to Ethiopia (Habasha), then to Medina

Hudūd = Generally: Limits; edges; boundaries; Specifically: Penal code in Qur’an; singular: hadd

Ijtihād = Reasoning to establish a rule to allow or forbid a notion or an action in a manner consistent with Islamic teachings; more general in meaning than fatwa

Ikhwān = Brothers; same as ikhwa; singular: akh

Jāhiliyya = Era before Islam; erroneously suggested to mean era of ignorance or age of barbarism

Ka‛ba = A room-like structure in the Grand Mosque in Mecca; highly revered by Muslims

Kāfir = Non-believer in Islam; plural: kuffar

Mu‛allaqāt = Poems posted on the walls of Ka‛ba in the pre-Islamic era

Murtad = A person who renounces Islam (apostate)

Riba = Interest on loans (usury)

Salafi = An Islamic trend that follows the perceived example of early Muslims (salaf: predecessors)

Shari‛a = Generally: law; specifically: Islamic law

Shi‛a = Generally: Party; group; specifically: people who supported the right of ‛Ali to succeed Muhammad; followers of the Shi‛i branch of Islam

Shūra = Consultation; deliberation

Sunna = Generally: law; method; way; specifically: Prophet Muhammad’s statements and actions

Sunni = Follower of the Sunna; belongs to the Sunni branch of Islam

Sūra = Chapter in Qur’an; plural: Suwar

Tawhīd = Monotheism; Islamic theology; believing in unity of Allah

‛Ulamā’ = Generally: Scientists; scholars; specifically: people learned in Islamic jurisprudence; singular: ‛Alim (cf. Fiqh and Fuqahā’)

Uli al-Amr = People of responsibility; people in charge

Zina = Intercourse outside wedlock

Acronyms and Abbreviations

ACC = Anti-Corruption Commission in Jordan

AFP = Agence France-Presse (French News Agency)

AI = Amnesty International

AVC = Audio-Visual Commission in Jordan

CDFJ = Centre for Defending Freedom of Journalists in Jordan

CEDAW = Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

CSO = Civil Society Organisation

CSS = Centre for Strategic Studies in Jordan

DFLP = Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine

EIU = Economist Intelligence Unit

FDW = Foreign Domestic Workers

FH = Freedom House

GCC = Gulf Cooperation Council

GDP = Gross Domestic Product

GNP = Gross National Product

Hamas = Islamic Resistance Movement in Palestine

HoD = House of Deputies (Lower house of Jordanian parliament)

HoN = House of Notables (Senate; upper house of Jordanian parliament)

HRW = Human Rights Watch

IAF = Islamic Action Front Party in Jordan

ICC = International Criminal Court

IDEA = International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance

IMF = International Monetary Fund

JD = Jordanian Dīnār (Jordan’s currency: US$1.3)

JPA = Jordanian Press Association

MB = Muslim Brothers Society

MDW = Migrant and Domestic Workers

MP = Member of Parliament

NSP = National Socialist Party in Jordan (1950s)

PFLP = Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

PLO = Palestine Liberation Organisation

PM = Prime Minister

UNSC = United Nations Security Council

List of Interviews

Taher al-Masri (4 January 2009)

Abd al-Latif ‛Arabiyyat (7 June 2009)

Hammam Sa‛id (13 April 2008)

Hamza Mansour (20 November 2010)

Zaki Bani Irshaid (14 April 2008)

Ibrahim Zaid al-Kilani (16 March 2010)

Asma Khader (19 April 2008)

Na’ela al-Rashdan (13 June 2009)

Toujan Faysal (6 June 2009)

Adab al-Su‛ud (7 June 2009)

Rohile Gahraybeh, (8 April 2010)

Samih al-Ma‛ayta (23 June 2009)

Hayfa’ al-Bashir (24 June 2009)

Nawal al-Fa‛ouri (9 March 2010)

Hayat al-Msaimi (25 March 2010)

‛Abla Abu ‛Elbeh (11 November 2010)

Emily Nafa‛ (18 November 2010)

‛Abed Shakhanbeh (25 March 2010)

‛Azzam al-Hunaidy (23 March 2010)

Heyam Damra (7 April 2008)

Fahd al-Rimawi (14 April 2008)

Ahmad Ismail Nofal (23 April 2008)

Wahdan ‛Iwais (8 June 2009)

Adli Hawwari (2020). Controlled Democratisation: Democracy and Islam in Jordan, 1989-2019 : A Critical Reexamination of the Incompatibility Paradigm. London: Ud Al-Nad.

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